
a warm form

An abrupt and painful fall on ice outside our front door last week quickly justified the purchase of a new pair of 'practical' winter boots. Easier said than done. It is a difficult task to find a pair of boots that are warm, have a good tread and are stylish. While I find a lot of winter boots cute, they are a little clunky for me to wear during the day when I am out on calls for work.

In come the Sorel Firenzy. Sorel was the last company I thought would have something that would fit my needs in the style department. The Firenzy, with details inspired by a pair of gloves spotted in Italy, are incredibly warm, comfortable and easy on the eyes.


Ali said...

I'm so glad you found some! they're perfect.

Unknown said...

I totally like it ..

nice one --

SQL Server 2008 |Office 2010

Anonymous said...

Love these. Good pick. I may need to copy you (again!)