
international sheepdog championships

Yesterday Josh and I attended the Soldier Hollow Classic, International Sheepdog Competition in Heber, Utah. We have never been before and didn't know what to expect but thought we would go check it out. It turned out to be a beautiful day, so nice to spend in the mountains eating Aussie Pies and watching man's best friend hard at work.

Dogs travelled from all over the world to compete. It was impressive to see them herding sheep (and ducks!). They were given signals with a whistle by their owner and were not allowed to bite or nip any of the animals. They had to drive the sheep around a course within a prescribed amount on time, separate out 5 sheep from 16 and then herd them into the pen with the help of their owner. I could learn a little about being patient from those dogs.

{jill traveled all the way from south africa}

{the standings}

{a little help from a friend}

{enthusiastic spectators}

Oh, I forgot to mention the amazing petting zoo...I got to pet a baby yak and miniature llamas!

{a baby yak!}

{miniature llama fur pants}

{miniature sheep and horse}

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