
hungry for more

Hopefully we haven't lost all of you due to our extended absense. Intense work schedules have kept us from our normal routine.

Before I travelled to Canada last week for work I decided to pick up a new book to take. While wandering through the store I spotted The Hunger Games, a title someone had recommended, but a science fiction story that didn't really appeal to me. For some reason I decided to go ahead and purchase it. Wow. I am so glad I didn't miss it.

It is the kind of story that has me concerned for the characters when I am not reading it, I keep thinking about them and what will happen. This fictional work is both surreal and believable, so glad there are two more books after this one.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Good timing since the third is almost out. Or maybe bad timing, because you may finish the second before it's time to get the third!