
'spa'ctacular getaway

Tonight I decided to whisk myself off to Reykjavik, Iceland to check myself into the Blue Lagoon Spa in search of energy for life through natural sources. Caffeinated beverages just don't have the same effect they used to.

This is where I will be staying for the next couple of days...until I am ready to join the world again.

My room has twin beds...no time for hanky panky, this is about serious relaxation, I must have no distractions.

The view from my room is decent.

I'll start tomorrow bathing in the mineral rich geothermal seawater.

The rest of my day will be spent receiving treatments and reflecting on how I wish I was really here.

Please, join me lovelies.


dandee said...

Count me in! That looks like the most lovely, relaxing spa I have ever seen!

Anonymous said...

I'll be there tonight save me a beverage.

Jill said...

no joke i was looking up flights to Reykjavik last week. that city looks incredible. too bad its $$ to get there.

Bobby Leigh said...

I'm so there! I'll meet you where it looks like sky meets water!

Catherine said...

Wow this place looks brilliant, I sure could use some time here too.