

I don't know why, but I've always wanted to own a dress form. They are just beautiful.

{dress forms}


Bobby Leigh said...

Me too! I think it's that I've always wanted to make my own clothes, but everytime I try I end up looking like I came from The Little House on the Prairie.

Krissy | Paper Schmaper said...

my sister in law has an all wrought iron one as decoration in her bathroom. it's pretty awesome!

Anonymous said...

We bought one for my Mom for Christmas. You can find some great deals on Ebay. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

Me too! And I recently acquired my grandmother's. There's one really old metal one that will be for decoration and the other one like these in the photo for actual use. Now I just have to practice my sewing skills.

Unknown said...

ummm.. ya those things are just creepy.... uber creepy in fact..

KJ said...

I've always wanted one, too. But I don't sew (yet) and have never had a pretty master bedroom (yet) and could never justify it. But I think they are super cool.