We've all got one. Your birth mom, your adopted mom, your surrogate mom, even if you don't have the original, chances are that on Mothers Day you have a reason to be grateful for a woman in your life.
To celebrate, I am hosting a giveaway. The prize to the winner will be 2 sets of Martha Stewart recipe cards, and 2 sets of Martha Stewart food labels, one set for you and one to give to the 'mom' of your choice.
My mom used to tell me that if I picked my nose, my head would cave in. What did your mom say? Leave your mom's best one liner on this post for your chance to win. The winner will be selected randomly and announced on Friday, May 2.
yo mama giveaway
Posted by
Monday, April 28, 2008
Labels: giveaway, holidays, martha martha martha
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As a little girl, my Mom would always say..."If you lie, your tongue is going to turn black!" Oh, how I recall running into the bathroom to check my tongue in the mirror, on several occasions! or the famous one liner, well, actually two..... "You wanna cry? I'll give ya something to cry about!". Oh yeah, and the "Don't make me stop the car..." I really wasn't that bad, honest! LOL
haha! "don't make me stop the car, or don't make me turn this car around" was totally my mom!
Here's a few:
-"Remember who you are!"
-"If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all."
But our favorite was (and we still tease her about this one...)
-"If you don't stop that, I'm going to make you write a thesis."
Gotta love those moms!
growing up i didnt understand or know anything because i wasnt "mother". now that i'm a mom i dont understand or know anything because i'm not a "grandmother"
A couple of things come to mind: When we would eat before blessing the food, my mom would say we had to open our mouths during the prayer. Another thing was when I used to come to her and say,"Guess what?!" She would reply," Chicken butt!"
"You are the company that you keep."
I didn't believe it then but now I do, oh mother's they are right even when you think they are wrong.
-You'll understand when you have children (or when you're older).
-We could make that! (About just about anything at craft stores, shopping malls, etc.) Whatever it was she'd always tell me or whomever was with her to remember how it was made or what it looked like and run back to the car and sketch it. Then we'd try to recreate whatever it was at home.
My mom always said, "What's right isn't always popular, and what's popular isn't always right."
I think my mom's most uttered phrase was probably "Just because!".
Sometimes on long summer days when it was too hot or humid to play, I'd whine, "Mooomm, I'm bored."
She'd say, "I'll find something for you to do."
It cured my boredom every time.
I never liked to cook because I didn't think I was any good at it. My mother would tell me, "You can't get married till you learn to cook!" Also when we would sing at the table she would say, "Come y canta, loco se levanta." the literal translation is..If you eat and sing,crazy will arise. I'll have to ask her what that all really means .
1 "Patience is a virtue."
2 "Cleanliness is next to godliness, and not close to your room today."
And when we tried the excuse of agency, she'd reply: "you used up your agency when you chose to come to this family!"
My mom would tell us that a little bird would come poop on our lip (when we stuck it out, pouting). I think it came from my grandma.
My mom used to say "When you do bad things, bad things happen to you." But she'd sing it to a tune she made up- I use it to this day!
Hi Bree
My Mom had a couple of favourites when I was young -
- good things come to he who waits
but one of her favourites was - the first person to raise their voice is the one that lost the argument
as I got older and had children it became - you make sure you look after those girls of yours.
The old guy in the north country
A few years after high school I told my Mom about some of the 'rebellious' things I had done such as sneaking out, etc.
Her short reply was "Too soon."
When I was going through some not so good times in my life both my Mom and Dad used to say "Are you alright... because of you are alright then we are alright".
That really shows the true meaning of parenting to me... when I look at my boys... I feel the same way
Carol xx
Forgot one....."If Lori jumps off a bridge are you going to do it too!???" Moms are great aren't they?
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