
dear martha

Dear Martha (Stewart),

You and I have always had a love/hate relationship, we both know this is mostly because I am jealous of you. When Josh and I started talking about painting 123 house a few months ago, and he professed his undying love and commitment to your line of paint, it added salt to my wounds. However, I am willing to move on...for now.

Thank you for your well edited line of paint available at Lowes. I was not a believer until recently, but I admit, I am impressed. The quality of the paint is outstanding, and the colors are gorgeous.

This week we began painting 123 house, and we love it, we absolutely love it. Martha...we love you!

p.s. Please feel free to stop by anytime.

{color palette for 123 house}


Jill said...

oooh i love it, great colors

yes we must we must get together in march, i'm there from the 12-20 so lets plan something!

Pillow Sham said...

Nice colors!!! I can't wait to see pictures of each room.

Anonymous said...

Sick. Really, your head needs some attention.



Hey Thanks for sharing this blog its very helpful to implement in our work

